academic VNFIL

One of the Qualifica Centers’ attributions is the recognition, validation and certification of skills developed by adults throughout their lives through formal, informal and non-formal, academic, professional or dual certification ways.

The VNFIL process

For whom

The VNFIL process is intended for adults aged 18 or over with an NQF (National Qualifications Framework) qualification level below level 5 and who, throughout their lives, have performed learning and acquired relevant skills in different contexts.

What is it?

The recognition of competences consists in the identification of the competences developed by the adult throughout life, in formal, non-formal and informal contexts, having as support a competency framework.

The adult prepares a reflective and documental portfolio that, in a structured way, aggregates documents of a biographical and curricular nature, through which the evidence of acquired skills and professional experience is unequivocally explained.


The VNFIL process can lead to an academic certification.

Certification consists of awarding a certificate to the adult that formalizes and attests the validation of skills by a certification jury constituted for this purpose.

'Acelerador Qualifica'

The ‘Acelador Qualifica’ aims to provide financial support to adults who complete an eligible level of qualification through an VNFIL process. This attribution is conditioned to academic progression or the obtaining of a double certification by the adult, that is, to allow these adults to progression and/or their level of qualification, according to the NQF.

The financial support to be granted under the ‘Acelerador Qualifica’ has a fixed amount, equivalent to 1.25 times the Social Support Index (IAS), which is updated annually.


The VNFIL process is developed based on competence referentials.

The academic VNFIL process is based on the basic and secondary school competence referentials, intended for adults, and integrated in the CNQ.

The referentials are organized by levels:

B1 – 1st cycle of basic education

B2 – 2nd cycle of basic education

B3 – 3rd cycle of basic education

S – high school


Q: When can I sign up?
A: Any time during the year.

Q: What time of day?
A: It can be work or after work time, depending on the availability of adults.

Q: How long it takes?
A: It can be variable, depending on the profile and skills acquired by each one throughout life.

Q: What is the cost of the process?
A: None, it’s free.

Q: What supports do we have?
A: Personalized monitoring by specialized professionals; adequate training space and equipment; personal accident insurance.

Q: Where is it held?
A: The location is adapted to the needs of each adult; whenever there is a number of subscribers that justifies the existence of a group, as well as the existence of adequate infrastructures to carry out the process, it can be developed out of our centre.

Q: Is the VNFIL process a course?
A: The VNFIL is a process in which the adult begins a path for certification of competences, based on the reference of key competences.

Q: Can I continue my studies with the VNFIL certificate?
A: Yes.

Centro Qualifica