The Qualifica Center intends to go beyond the RVCC process and adult guidance. Implementing activities that engage them socially and culturally is also one of our goals.
Cultural Agenda
October 2024
In this edition of our Cultural Agenda we give relevance to the theme of emotional stability and healthy relationships with others, also proposing a workshop, which is of capital importance for the entire surrounding community.
Cultural Agenda
June 2024
Our conviction that we are on the right path and that our proposals will increasingly receive recognition from the community keeps us restless and focused. Confirm our words with the actions that will take place in June/July.
Cultural Agenda
February 2024
The importance of the role of Qualifica Centers in the training and certification of disadvantaged people and adults with some type of disability led us to participate in the Erasmus+ project…
Cultural Agenda
October 2023
The involvement of trainers and advisors has not slowed down: Erasmus training, cultural activities, the “Ler+ Qualifica” project, etc. Our expectation is that everyone feels invited to join us and share experiences, concerns and learning.
Cultural Agenda
June 2023
“It is what we know how to do, not what we know, that will become interesting” (The next 50 years, John Brockman). Our training must be oriented towards what is demanded today, but with the future as a background.
Cultural Agenda
February 2023
We have been investing in actions, such as Erasmus projects, which have allowed us to provide our target audience with a broader view of the meaning of the word 'qualify'. We continue with the certainty that … together WE ARE QUALIFICA!
Cultural Agenda
October 2022
When the qualification of the population becomes a matter of vital importance for national development and, in this way, for the improvement of the living conditions of each one, the role assigned to Qualifica Centers becomes clear.
Cultural Agenda
June 2022
This is a special moment for all who are interested in adult education and training and who invest a lot of their time (not only professional) in the implementation of actions and strategies for the inclusion of this population.
Cultural Agenda
March 2022
The invitations that we regularly send, within the scope of our cultural agenda, in order to promote citizenship and active participation in LLL, are intended to maintain the “quality” recommended by the European Commission.
Cultural Agenda
December 2021
Qualifica Center at Anadia, aware that its intervention could drive the “Eu Sou Digital” program, put forward proposals for training and certification in Digital Skills, “focused on training adults who have never used the Internet”.
Cultural Agenda
September 2021
In the proposals of this Cultural Agenda, we integrate in-person and remote activities, with the objective of expanding the audience that can and wants to be with us. Culture is not an optional facet of our lives. It's part of us.
Cultural Agenda
June 2021
We maintain our commitment in partnerships with higher education institutions and local authorities, in order to reply not only to the Portuguese population, but giving special emphasis on the inclusion of migrants.
Cultural Agenda
March 2021
We have always believed in the project, in the people, in the way forward. In the perseverance and complicity of those who know what they want, we choose the axiom that the higher you climb, the farther away the horizon.
Cultural Agenda
December 2020
An unnatural year 2020, which managed to highlight some weaknesses in the organization of human societies, also confirmed the value of education for young people and adults in addressing and solving several types of problems.
Cultural Agenda
September 2020
Aware of this greater purpose that is our contribution to LLL and to the qualification of the Portuguese population (with all the direct or indirect benefits), we continue to invest in a modern and innovative cultural agenda.
Cultural Agenda
June 2020
The reality of remote work reflected the lack of investment in such essential skills as digital literacy and the capacity for innovation. Therefore, we implemented the adaptation of the training and certification offer to the digital format.
Cultural Agenda
January 2020
Investing effectively in human capital, in its training, is an essential component to achieve sustainable levels of growth and employment.
Let's all be able to believe in ourselves, as we at CQ believe in YOU!
Cultural Agenda
October 2019
We decided to make some changes to the CULTURAL AGENDA, not giving up, however, to maintain the quality and diversity of the themes. The graphic aspect, the periodicity (quarterly) and a greater diversity of themes stand out.
Cultural Agenda
May 2019
The highlight of this CULTURAL AGENDA is the Conference “Adult Education: Transforming Potential into Future!” that we are offering to Anadia and to all those who are somehow interested in this segment of education.
Cultural Agenda
March 2019
It is clearly evident that our CULTURAL AGENDA intends to be an engine for the education of adults who come to us, regardless of their level of literacy, their goals, their life experience or their age. Welcome to our Qualifica Center!
Cultural Agenda
January 2019
The acquisition of skills is an unfinished process. It starts at birth and continues throughout our lives without interruption. However, we can only appropriate some types of skills if this possibility is provided to us.
Cultural Agenda
November 2018
The diversity of 'workshops' intend to capture the attention of various social groups and appeal to their participation. Awareness of the designs of a complex world is achieved through small steps, before moving on to global visions.
Cultural Agenda
September 2018
In a situation of unemployment, being able to demonstrate additional capabilities puts us at an advantage over other applicants. That's why we all need to learn new things all the time. Welcome to the Qualifica Center!
Cultural Agenda
May 2018
As we are permanently committed to encourage the involvement of new audiences, we will ask for the participation of people in need of basic skills training – inclusion is one of our guiding principles.
Cultural Agenda
March 2018
We have included in this edition of our CULTURAL AGENDA some proposals that aim to provide, not only to those who come to us directly, but to the entire adult population of our region, the opportunity to live new experiences.
Cultural Agenda
January 2018
The Qualifica Center (CQ) of ‘Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia’ is starting now the mission of providing the adult population with a set of activities aimed at training and active citizenship. Welcome to the Qualifica Center!